
Monday, May 31, 2010


so...that the end of our story..
im tired..! im sorry..
i try my best in 4 years..but u....
thnks..i really appreciate it..
thank you very MUCH!
in 4 years i trust u..3 years i wait 4 u..
now i noe y..u r genius..
u only love my money than me..im suck rite..
yeah..u win..congrates 2 u..
im such a LOSER isn't..?!!
u hppy playing dis game rite..? just wait 4 my revenge..!
u'll regretted..!
n at the same time u'll thnks 2 me..

now im realize..im stupid..u r genius..
xsgka aku ko game aku cmni..
its ok..now im awake from my sleep..
now u laugh..laugh as long as u can..
when i have money u noe how 2 find me..
hahaha..nape time tgah2 bulan ko xmuncul..?
u just want my money rite..?? hehe..
ko game aku 4 TAHUN..
tp ko tggu aku nye game lakk..
myb ko akan rse seumur hdup ko..
aku game ko ngan duit gakk..
money is everything 4 u..
so mati lah ko bersama duit..duit 2 akn bwak ko msukk syurga..


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